
Why you should avoid sugar in the morning

Croissants, pain au chocolate, toast with jam, cereal, orange juice…… most of us in the western world eat a very sugar rich breakfast. It might taste good but when people ask me if this is the right choice I can with certainty say no. The next question they ask me than is: “ What do I eat instead?”


The Gluten and Dairy free Take away in Paris

For all those who can not tolerate or are allergic to gluten and dairy this is just a heavenly place. Just two years after the opening of the one and only gluten free restaurant in Paris, the little sister of Noglu opened its doors. Located exactly in front of the restaurant


The Black Seed – the universal healer

The black seed (Nigella Sativa) sometimes as well referred to as black cumin or black sesame, has been know for centuries for its healing properties. The earliest recordings date back to the ancient Egyptian times. Black seed oil has been found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, which dates back about 3,300 years ago.


Did you know that Asparagus….

Is a vegetable that has quite a high percentage of vitamins and minerals and can help prevent certain types of cancer? The spear like looking vegetable contains a good bit of vitamin K , vitamin E, vitamin A , potassium, selenium, folate, and chromium to just name a few


Artichokes for detox

This green flower-like looking plant is not really the usual side dish that you would get in a restaurant. And no wonder! It is a bit difficult to eat to be honest unless you buy the marinated or canned artichoke hearts. You will find the hearts very often in Italian restaurants as antipasti or as a toping on pizza.